Memory Towers

Memory Towers is an installation made up of glass jars, light bulbs, and film negatives. Inspired by film photos I found while going through an old box in my closet one day, I wanted to build a visual representation of my memory that would depict different chapters of my life without simply using photographs. I used warm light bulbs to illuminate the negatives, bringing the tower structures to life and simulating feelings of warmth and nostalgia.

The story of our lives can be told in many ways. Memory Towers organizes significant events and experiences in my own life. While rustling through boxes of old photos and their negatives, I came across memories I had forgotten about or were slowly slipping away from my memory. From afar these lit structures may resemble city lights, but a step closer reveals memories told through negatives, each tower representing a different part of my life. Turning the lights on gives these memories life.

This project serves as a rediscovering of my childhood and past experiences that have led up to this present moment in time. My hope is that this work will encourage you to appreciate your own past, whatever that may be. Embrace what you cannot change and realize that it has led you to the person you are now.

Copyright © 2017-2020, Olivia Baer •